Magos-Rivera, MiguelLara Chávez, José AntonioAlonso-González, EdgarGodínez-Bravo, Ricardo2020-08-172022-02-222020-08-172022-02-222020-07978-958-52071-4-12414-6390 training in engineering schools requires laboratories equipped in order to complement theoretical courses and develop students' ability to solve practical problems. The high cost of educational models makes access to these equipment difficult. The development of an academic mechatronic system with two degrees of freedom for Pick-and-Place tasks is presented. The device can hold objects up to 200 gr and move them in a plane XZ. The object is held by a vacuum system. On the horizontal axis the displacement range is 45 cm and on the vertical axis 10 cm. The prototype has a connection board where the sensors and actuators signals are available. This allows students to control the device through different technologies. These signals are also available on an Ethernet port to expand the communication capacity of the device. Preliminary tests show the correct functioning of the mechanical and electronic systems developed.EnglishLACCEI License modelsMechatronicsPick-and PlaceEthernet communicationDevelopment of a 2-DOF Mechanism for Pick-and-Place TasksArticle