Dahleh, Marie2020-08-172022-02-222020-08-172022-02-222020-07978-958-52071-4-12414-6390http://laccei.org/LACCEI2020-VirtualEdition/meta/FP350.htmlhttp://dx.doi.org/10.18687/LACCEI2020.1.1.350https://axces.info/handle/10.18687/20200101_350Tulane is currently ranked #2 nationally in percentage of undergraduate degrees in engineering awarded to women-tied with MIT. There is still work to be done to improve the diversity of the student population with respect to ethnicity. This paper provides a snapshot of the current diversity along with a diversity plan and support programs at Tulane aimed at supporting a diverse student population. One important strategy is to create an environment in the school of science and engineering which is focused on Inclusion.EnglishLACCEI Licensehttps://laccei.org/blog/copyright-laccei-papers/diversityinclusionfaculty learning communityFrom Diversity to InclusionArticle