Huamani-Navarrete, Pedro2019-08-172022-02-222019-08-172022-02-222019-07978-958-52071-4-12414-6390 this article, it is presented a practical approach to time-invariant digital filtering applications, through the design and development of a graphic user interface using the GUIDE tool and the Toolbox Signal Processing from the MATLAB software (version 2018). The importance of this work will be to provide students and professors of the Digital Signal Processing course, in the Electronics Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering careers, of the Ricardo Palma University in Lima-Peru, with an interactive tool to improve the teaching and understanding of the subject of digital filtering, allowing to choose from a total of 20 real signals sampled at 44100 Hz., such as voice, medical signal, music, among others, and using multiple options of filter types, cut-off frequencies, noise types, graphic representation of time and frequency, up to the sound reproduction of the signals before and after the filtering stageEnglishLACCEI License filters FIRdigital filter IIRreal signalsMATLAB GUIDEPractical approach of digital filtering applications invariant to time, for Digital Signal Processing courseArticle