Pari-Castro, MarthaArteaga-Llacza, PedroMiranda-Jara, AngélicaQuispe-Barrantes, PatriciaMiranda-Chávez, HelíQuispe-Solano, Miguel ÁngelChuquilín-Goicochea, Roberto2021-12-172022-02-222021-12-172022-02-222021-12978-958-52071-9-62414-6390 work aimed to evaluate the effect of cut thickness and drying time on two morphotypes (Quello Lisa and Puka Lisa) of Ullucus tuberosus from Huancavelica. A rotatable central composite design, taking to 2 - 4 mm as minimum and maximum thickness values and 15 - 45 min as minimum and maximum time values. The final moisture content of the product and its color parameters (L *, a *, b *, C and H) were evaluated. It was found a significant effect of the cut thickness and drying time was found on the dependent variables, in both morphotypes studied. The optimal thickness was found to be 2.25 and 2.45 mm, for Quello Lisa and Puka Lisa, respectively; and the refractive window drying time, 51.2 min., that maximize color and final moisture for both morphotypes. A stable dehydrated product suitable for commercialization as an input for typical peruvian food was obtainedEnglishLACCEI License refractanteolluquitoChemical composition, color y moisture of slices dried by refractance window of two Ullucus tuberosus morphotypesArticle