Carrasco, CristianHuaco, Guillermo2021-08-172022-02-222021-08-172022-02-222021-07978-958-52071-8-92414-6390 school infrastructure in Peru has several old buildings which are vulnerable to earthquakes. The insufficient seismic capacity of these schools is due past design codes as well as poor construction practice such as short columns or poor quality of used materials. Therefore, it is necessary to retrofit these buildings. This study focuses on the seismic analysis and the reinforcement of a school module 780Pre which consist on reinforced concrete frames for longitudinal direction of the module and confined masonry walls for transversal direction The analysis is carried out based on a performance study of the structure, based on the non-linear static analysis and the seismic demand spectrum of the current design code in Peru. It is presented traditional and innovative procedures to retrofit this module. The traditional one consists to attach welded mesh covering both faces of the masonry wall. For the innovative procedure CFRP sheets are installed as diagonal ties, as well CFRP anchors are used at both extreme the ties in order to carry out the tension loads from this ties after debonding increasing the shear capacity and ductility the wall. It is found that the installed CFRP materials provides better seismic performance to the school module than using welded mesh.EnglishLACCEI License WallCFRP Diagonal TieCFRP AnchorRetrofit of Old Public Schools using Conservative and Innovative ProceduresArticle