Montalvan Toala, F. JavierCatuto Quinde, M. MichelleRubira Gómez, Gilda2020-08-172022-02-222020-08-172022-02-222020-07978-958-52071-4-12414-6390 purpose of carrying out the hydrological modeling of the Manglaralto river is to locate the sites with the greatest risk due to flooding only due to rainfall in the basin, providing governmental and non-governmental authorities with support material that serves to analyze risks with basic technology for planning, and the analysis of flood damage reduction. The models were made for three types of scenarios, scenario 1 (natural situation), scenario 2 (current situation) and scenario 3 (future situation) in which the value of the curve number for each sub-basin and the intervention of existing civil works influence and future. The calculated flood hydrographs were made in the HEC HMS program, necessary input data in the HEC RAS program for flow simulation for 24 hours, these are mathematical models based on the SCS soil conservation service methodology carried out by the Institute of United States Army used to prevent and mitigate impacts of natural events presented on maps that show overflow margins in the three situations cited with their respective flood maps zoned by the types of threat: high, medium and low.EnglishLACCEI License modelsmaps floodsriver basinshydrogramsrainfall.HYDROLOGICAL MODELING OF THE MANGLARALTO RIVER FOR THE GENERATION OF FLOOD MAPS (SANTA ELENA-ECUADOR)Article