Acosta, TanniaPavon, ChristianCarrillo, Gabriela2018-12-172022-04-042018-12-172022-04-042018-09978-0-9993443-1-62414-6390 objective of this work is to verify the effectiveness of the use of an application for the cell phone, M-VLE App. For this, two surveys were designed. In this stage, 70 teachers and 54 students participated, then, an experimental study was conducted, in which 30 students participated. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group. Based on the results of the unpaired test t test, the null hypothesis was rejected.EnglishLACCEI License Learning EnvironmentsStudent EvaluationEducational AppsVirtual Learning Environments: use of the cell phone to improve the academic performance of undergraduate engineering studentsArticle