Acevedo Amaya, Mario RobertoOrtega-Jimenez, Cesar H.Machuca, J.A.DAlfalla-Luque, Rafaela2019-08-172022-02-222019-08-172022-02-222019-07978-958-52071-4-12414-6390, many companies ignore the point in which lean production significantly mediates and/or moderates along SCM & performance, thus decreasing companies’ competitiveness. This paper determines the level of interaction and intermediation where lean reaches its significance level for high performance manufacturing, using structural equations and ordinary least squares regressions. Results emphasize the need to consider the human and contextual factor when lean is implemented.EnglishLACCEI License productionCompetitive performanceMediationModerationInteractionModelos bivariados de ajuste de la relación producción lean-gestión de cadena de suministros sobre el rendimiento competitivo: un efecto interviniente e interactivoArticle