Urrea Quiroga, GermanGarcía Sepulveda, Jorge IvánBarragan de Los Ríos, German AlbertoNiño Navia, Juliana Andrea2019-08-172022-02-222019-08-172022-02-222019-07978-958-52071-4-12414-6390http://laccei.org/LACCEI2019-MontegoBay/meta/FP88.htmlhttp://dx.doi.org/10.18687/LACCEI2019.1.1.88https://axces.info/handle/10.18687/20190101_88The importance of the competences required to achieve in courses related to maintenance management was studied, this analysis was made by means of a survey to aeronautical engineer’s graduates from UPB, where the importance of each of the competences in the courses that are related to the maintenance of aircraft was evaluated. Subsequently, a competence profile was created, considering the topics with higher demand on the aviation industry and the topics not covered in the aeronautical engineering curriculum at UPB. The final purpose is to create a profile with three competences and skills an aeronautical engineer should acquire in order to meet all the needs that appears in maintenance departments at airlines or repair stations.EnglishLACCEI Licensehttps://laccei.org/blog/copyright-laccei-papers/Aeronautical EngineerAircraftMaintenanceReliabilityAerospace competencesAnálisis de las competencias de un ingeniero aeronáutico relacionadas con la gestión del mantenimiento. Caso: Ingeniería Aeronáutica Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB)Article