Tupayachy Quispe, DannyAlmiron Baca, JonathanApaza Choquehuayta, FredyChurata Añasco, RossibelParedes Cardenas, EvelynTorres-Carrasco, ManuelBautista, Asunción2020-08-172022-02-222020-08-172022-02-222020-07978-958-52071-4-12414-6390http://laccei.org/LACCEI2020-VirtualEdition/meta/FP5.htmlhttp://dx.doi.org/10.18687/LACCEI2020.1.1.5https://axces.info/handle/10.18687/20200101_5This research focuses on the search for materials susceptible to being alkaline activated for the generation of new geopolymer materials (alternative to fly ash and blast furnace slag). The potential use of volcanic ash from the Ubinas volcano (located in Moquegua, Peru) for geopolymer synthesis has been studied. NaOH solution has been used in different concentrations for the activation of volcanic ashes. The effect of the concentration of the NaOH solution on the mechanical properties (compressive strength and porosity) of the hardened specimens has been analyzed. Systems activated with solutions of 6, 9 and 12M has shown a good mechanical performance due to the formation of the main reaction product (N-A-S-H gel) and a good wear resistance. The efflorescence effect when using high alkali contents has affected the wear results. This research opens a new gate to the use of this type of materials of volcanic origin and their use as resistant materials to wear and abrasion.EnglishLACCEI Licensehttps://laccei.org/blog/copyright-laccei-papers/Volcanic ashgeopolymercompressive strengthalkaline solutionwear durabilityPeruvian volcanic ashes as new alternative material in geopolymer preparation: influence of dissolution concentration and wear resistanceArticle