Chauca, Mario2020-08-172022-02-222020-08-172022-02-222020-07978-958-52071-4-12414-6390 simulation of the decision-making process for adoption of smart energy solutions can provide evidence for smart energy solutions’ providers to decide for a business strategy which results in the best adoption rate. The adoption rate of smart energy solutions is important in achieving climate goals, such as the Danish goal to have 100% renewable electricity production by 2030. This paper shows how agent-based simulation can be used to investigate the decision-making process for adoption of smart energy solutions. The study investigates a case about Danish commercial greenhouse growers’ adoption of a demand response program. The simulation outputs an adoption curve and grower information. The results provide the maximum monetary cost for achieving an adoption rate of 50% in 5 years.EnglishLACCEI License simulationSmart energy solutionsDecision makingInnovation adoptionStrategies for Agent-based Decision Optimization for Smart Energy Solutions AdoptionArticle