Castrellón Torres, Juan PabloDuarte Suárez, Guillermo AndrésGarcía Álvarez, Andrés SantiagoHerrera Burgos, Diego Alejandro2019-08-172022-02-222019-08-172022-02-222019-07978-958-52071-4-12414-6390 current model introduces an approach to identify the best arrangement of operators and resources for a distribution center. The model takes into account variability in orders, deliveries and arrivals as well as internal processing. Through an event based simulation some performance measures such as service levels, throughput and lead time are tested and finally a linear optimization is released to get the minimum cost without neglecting a previously defined required performance.EnglishLACCEI License researchdistribution centerdeliveriesSimulación-optimización de un centro de distribución logístico basado en Flexsim®: Un caso de estudioArticle