identificación experimentalde las caracteriaticas dienamicas de un modelo de turbina pelton
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In this work, we present the experimental results concerning the process of identification of the dynamic characteristics of a Pelton turbine prototype, in a test bench in the laboratory of fluids and hydraulic machines of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technological University of Pereira. Colombia. It was made an adequacy of the test bench, consisting of a disturbance system to generate the input signal and a system to generate the output signal on the axis of the turbine. Likewise, a data acquisition system was installed for these signals. After preliminary tests to determine the behavior of the components, using mathematical algorithms included in specialized tools of Matlab, six models were determined. These models identified by almost 93% the dynamic characteristics of the turbine. Finally the model ARS 321 was chosen, for presenting the best behavior. This result has been used to establish a control system to keep the speed of turbine rotation constant in a process of microgeneration of electricity in the laboratory.
Identification, Turbine Pelton, Controler, Dynamics caracteristics, Matlab Identification Tool Box