AXCES: a strategy to show the scientific production of LACCEI

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The scientific production of an institution or organization is what allows it to give visibility to its researchers and present the contribution to the state of the art generated. This production is shown in various products such as articles, presentations, etc. LACCEI (The Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions) is a non-profit organization that, since 2003, organizes (among other activities) a multi-conference every year in which scientific articles on Engineering, Education and Technology are presented under a double-blind peer review process. The objective of this paper is to describe how LACCEI has implemented an institutional repository called AXCES that establishes the bases to recognize and measure the scientific impact following the philosophy of Open Access under the quality principles of the FAIR Data of the European Union and OpenAIRE Guidelines. The article presents a conceptual framework, the implementation process of AXCES and then a series of recommendations that should be taken into account in any process of scientific dissemination and popularization. The key contributions that were achieved in this work refer to a proposal that systematically presents scientific production, outlines the guidelines to guarantee machine-machine interoperability of scientific production that generates automatic bibliometric indicators, and presents recommendations for the generation and publication of scientific production. scientific results



web visibility, university education, AXCES
