Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of Vitis Vinifera Malbec seeds oil: Kinetic modelling and solubility evaluation


Experimental and modeling investigations of supercritical fluid CO2 extraction (SC-CO2) of Malbec grape seed oil (SUM) were performed at 200 and 400 bar, 40 and 60◦C with a CO2 flow rate of 0.26 kg/h. The model of broken and intact cells developed by Sovová adequately described SC-CO2 processes (AARD% 0.88 -1.064). It was demonstrated that the extraction of type A was the most suited to apply. The solubility of SUM in SC-CO2 was estimated and modeled by the Chrastil model (AARD% 1.16 - 2.085). The highest value of the oil solubility was obtained at 400 bar and 60◦C. SUM extracted by SC-CO2 was found high quality, and rich of linoleic and oleic acid.



Grape Malbec seed oil, Supercritical CO2 extraction, Sovova’s model, Solubility
